The Texas Anime and Gaming Expo gladly welcomes any and all press inquiries and any potential coverage of the event. Here a potential member of the press will find a list of qualifications that are needed to obtain a press badge along with all the rules and regulations that come with possessing one of these badges while at the event. Please keep in mind that while applying for press pass for the event that these will be on limited supply and will operate under the "first come first serve" rule while the event is taking place. The verification and the approval is ultimately at the discretion of the Texas Anime and Expo and shall be as such. Should anyone that is interested in covering the event have additional questions that were not mentioned please feel to contact the Texas Anime and Gaming Expo with your specific question or inquiry in the Contact tab of the website and a member of the media team will gladly answer.
Press badges will give you access to:
Admission to Texas Anime and Gaming Expo.
Priority entry to all panels (limited) as well as the Vendor Area.
Complimentary tickets and assigned seating for particular panels and onsite events
Consideration for interviews with Guests and others of their choosing.
Press badges will not be granted to cosplay photographers, personal blogs, or photo gallery websites.
Press badges are not eligible for mailing and must be picked up on-site by each registrant
Newspaper or other print source will need to provide,
A copy of your business card with name, editorial title, and media outlet's logo
A copy of your driver's license or government issued photo identification clearly showing your name and date of birth.
A bylined article from your publication written by you and published within the past three months (the copy must clearly show the name of your publication and your byline).
If possible, the Texas Anime and Gaming Expo media team encourages all applicants to submit links to articles that appear online as well as in print while applying for a press badge.
Broadcast Journalists or photographers will need to provide
A copy of your driver’s license or government issued photo identification clearly showing your name and date of birth.
A copy of your business card with name, editorial title, and media outlet’s logo
A letter from a producer/editor (on company letterhead) stating that you are covering the Texas Anime and Gaming Expo for an assignment.
Freelance writers and bloggers and podcast producers will need to provide:
A copy of your driver's license or government issued photo identification clearly showing your name and date of birth.
A letter from a publisher, editor or producer (on their letterhead) stating that you are covering Texas Anime and Gaming Expo on assignment.
A bylined interactive entertainment industry-related article from your publication (above) written by you and published within the past three months (the copy must clearly show the name of the publication and your byline
YouTube and Twitch users must provide all of the following:
A copy of your driver's license or government issued photo identification clearly showing your name and date of birth.
Links to your channel/videos with your face clearly present. If you are a producer, director, or part of the production team, please proide a link where you are credited within the video or on the channel page.
*Anyone not providing these documents from qualified media outlets or failure to comply will not be admitted.