Texas Anime and Gaming Expo is a safe space. This means we expect it to be a safe environment for fans from any ethnicity, creed, religious background, political background, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, sexual orientation, fandom, etc. We do not tolerate harassment in any form. This includes, but is not limited to: physical assault, verbal harassment, sexual harassment, stalking, unwanted physical contact, unwanted advances, or inappropriate photography. (Inappropriate photography is defined as photography where the subject feels they are being stalked, exploited, degraded, or disrespected through being photographed. While it is reasonable that photographers will be photographing costumers and other parts of the convention, should this photography become harassing or sexual in nature, the photographer will be subject to the harassment policy.)
Harassment is defined by the victim.
"No" means no. "Stop" means stop. "Go away" means go away.
If it is determined – either by observation or by complaint – that an individual or group has harassed another attendee, any or all of the following things may occur –
That individual or group may be:
Warned to cease and desist;
Asked to leave the convention, or;
Banned from the convention for a period of time to be determined by staff.
To report harassment please find the nearest volunteer or security personnel. They will direct you to an information desk or security center. If you feel your safety or the safety of others is jeopardy please contact the local police department at 911, the Director of the department and the Director of Volunteer Services if it is a volunteer that is being harassed, and the convention Security.
For your own safety, if you feel that you are being harassed in a non-emergency situation please report your problems to us before anyone else. If you cannot find a staff, crew, or volunteer member to assist you, please go to the information desks located near registration or just inside the entrance of the exhibition floor. Please report to us before taking matters into your own hands (such as personally confronting the aggressor or posting on social media). We have professional security and they are properly equipped for these contingencies.
Weapons and Props Policy:
Texas Anime and Gaming Expo is vitally interested in the ongoing health and safety of our employees, as well as that of our clients, visitors and guests. This convention has adopted this policy to ensure that we minimize the threat of injuries associated with weapons or props on our premises. As such, possession of a weapon is prohibited while on company premises and anywhere else that company business, is conducted. Due to the nature of our business a series of guidelines for safe weapon and prop rules have been established.
All attendees, exhibitors and staff must comply with all federal, state, provincial and local laws and regulations regarding weapons, imitation weapons and props, as well as their usage.
Attendees are reminded that while traveling to and from the event, to make sure due care is taken on your behalf to ensure any weapons or props, which could cause public alarm, are stored in bag or in a storage container.
Attendees are, under no circumstances, allowed to possess or bring to the convention grounds any actual weapons. Unlawful possession of weapons is an offense and will result in denied admission into the convention or prosecution.
All weapons and props must be in plain sight at all times and are subject to mandatory inspections performed by TAGE staff or security staff. As a general rule, no metal prop weapons are allowed. Additional rules are outlined below.
Any weapon, prop, or item not covered in this policy must be inspected by security staff at the Weapons Check Desk; these items will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Attendees who come to any Texas Anime and Gaming Expo event with a prop may be stopped by show security and sent to the Weapons Check Desk. At the Weapons Check Desk, security will inspect that your prop complies with the rules and regulations regarding props. If approved, security will issue a sticker to be placed in a visible area of the prop. If show security does NOT see this sticker on your prop while on the show grounds, you will be asked to leave the convention center and store your prop or go to the Weapons Check Desk.
If not approved, attendees have the option of storing their prop in their car, home, hotel room or check it at the desk. You may return at the end of your visit to pick up your prop. Props and weapons left at the Weapons Check Desk past show close on Sunday will be disposed of.
For full rules and regulations regarding props, please see below.
Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun) and Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), live firearms including airsoft, modern, hunting or historic, either functioning or de-commissioned, are not permitted at Texas Anime and Gaming Expo and Modulus event. Replica firearms made from metal, solid resin/plastic/rubber are not to be brought onto convention grounds. All other firearms/projectile weapons are required to have orange safety tips at all times on convention grounds, however they can be removable for photography or competition purposes as long as they are re-attached when moving around the convention.
No props or weapons capable of firing any projectile or powder charge of any kind. This is for the safety of both yourself and the people around you. Nerf guns and other foam dart guns ARE allowed, but they must not have any foam darts loaded at any time.
Bows and slingshots are allowed, however, they must be de-strung. There must be no capacity to fire any object from the bow or slingshot. Arrows and other items used in bows or slingshots are prohibited.
Texas Anime and Gaming Expo does not allow ANY laser pointers to be used on the convention grounds. If you have a laser pointer in your prop or weapon, make sure it cannot function by either removing the batteries, or simply not bringing it.
If firearm or projectile props or weapons are deemed unacceptable by TAGE security, attendees will be asked to check it with security while they are on the convention grounds. Refusal to do so will result in being banned from the event without refund and local authorities being contacted.
Metal swords, metal knives and other active martial arts weapons are not allowed to be brought onto any of the convention grounds. Failure to comply will result in being banned from the event without refund and local authorities will be contacted.
Costume swords must be tied to your costume in such a way that they can’t be drawn.
Blunt weapons such as baseball bats and hockey sticks are prohibited.
No items can have sharp points, sharp edges, excessive weight or any other features that could be deemed dangerous to others (E.g. we do not allow metal replica samurai swords, “BB guns/air guns” even if they are not loaded). If the items are not approved during security inspection, they are forbidden on convention grounds. Non-approved items must be securely stored in security, Weapons Check Desk, the attendee’s hotel room, vehicle or home. Failure to comply will result in being escorted off the event premises and banned from the event without refund.
Props with an excessive weight are subject to approval by security at the convention entrances or Weapons Check Desk. There is no set weight limit, however, if it is deemed to be too heavy or unsafe, it will be requested that the item is checked at the weapons check desk for the duration of the event.
Please consider how heavy your props are: you will be expected to carry them with you all day, or you will be forced to check them in at the Weapons Check Desk. This check desk is NOT a cloak room; it is storage for items which TAGE deems unsuitable to be on the convention floor.
Attendees who purchase imitation or replica weapon such as metal movie swords or knives from the Vendors/Exhibitors Hall must not remove items from their original packaging until they have been secured in their hotel room or vehicle.
To use the purchased item as a prop or costume piece, items must be presented to security staff in their original packaging. If the TAGE prop check team approves the item, it may be used in accordance with our props and weapons policy guidelines and of course your best sense of judgment. Again, if the items are not approved, then they are forbidden on convention grounds out of their original packaging. Non-approved items must then be securely stored in the attendee’s hotel room, vehicle or left at the Weapons Check Desk until they are leaving the event. Failure to comply will result in being escorted off premises and banned from the event without refund.
Texas Anime and Gaming Expo will not be held legally responsible or liable for any misconduct, damages, injuries or death resulting from the actions of any TAGE attendee. Any inappropriate behavior or misconduct by any attendee will be not be tolerated by Texas Anime and Gaming Expo or local authorities. Please use your best judgment and discretion by refraining from swinging weapons around, or using them in intimidating or threatening manner.