We at Texas Anime and Gaming Expo would like to say thank you for interest in participating in this event as a volunteer. Please read the rules we have for potential volunteers and if you are still interested in helping out we would be more than happy to have you come on board with us at Texas Anime and Gaming Expo. All volunteers are expected to work, at a minimum, one 8-hour shift. Please make sure to state on the volunteer application how many shifts you can commit to working, as well as any special skills, references, or other qualifications that you may have. Please review the information listed on this page before submitting your volunteer application.
Volunteer Benefits will include the following:
One custom volunteer badge
One custom volunteer T-shirt
Volunteers who volunteer a minimum of 8 hours will be invited to the Volunteer Appreciation Party (time and location TBA, post-convention)
Volunteers who have gone above and beyond while executing their assigned duties may be eligible for any additional perks as deemed appropriate by the convention management and staff.
Volunteer Rules while on shift:
Volunteers are expected to come on time for their shifts. If a volunteer cannot make it on time, they are expected to contact either the volunteer coordinator or their assigned department director so proper arrangements can be made.
Volunteers are expected to be courteous and friendly towards all attendees, staff, guests, and management and to conduct themselves in such manner. Should a volunteer fail to do so will result in being dismissed from the convention for the day.
Volunteers are expected to maintain a clean and neat appearance while working their assigned shift and must wear comfortable shoes or sneakers, clean pants or jeans, and no clothing that is deemed inappropriate or revealing.
Volunteers must respect the venue and its property at all times.
Volunteers are not to abuse the privilege of their position for personal or financial gain. Should this happen they will be dismissed from the event and will be banned from volunteering for all future events.
Volunteers are expected not to engage in physical activity that will result in personal injury. Should a volunteer be engaged in an altercation or confrontation with an attendee, they are to call security immediately and must allow security to deal with the altercation or confrontation in the appropriate manner as deemed appropriate by the event and hotel.